(02) 8 636-7638 acculabph@gmail.com
Unit 419 Chateau Verde Condo, Gate 2 Valle Verde 1, E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave., Pasig City

Calibration Services

Pressure Calibration Services

We calibrate a wide range of digital and analogue pressure transducers and gauges using a reference pressure  with high accuracy up to 700 bar in accordance with DKD-R 6-1.

We calibrate the following:

  • Pressure Gauges
  • Vacuum Gauges
  • Pressure Indicator
  • Manometers
  • Pressure Transmitters
  • Sphymomanometer
  • Switches
  • Relief Valves

Scope of Accreditation:

Product/Class of TestRange to be CalibratedCalibration and Measurement (CMC) expressed as an uncertainty
5.20 Pressure and Vacuum Measuring Devices
.01 Pressure Gauges

0 to 300 psi

0 to 1000 psi

0 to 2000 psi

0 to 3000 psi

0 to 5000 psi

0 to 10000 psi

0.30 psi

3 psi

6.0 psi

8.9 psi

15 psi


.02 Vacuum Gauges0 to -10 psi0.30

.03 Pressure Transducers

0 to 1000 psi

0 to 2000 psi

0 to 3000 psi

0 to 5000 psi

0 to 10000 psi

3.0 psi

6.0 psi

8.9 psi

15 psi

29 psi

.04 Pressure Recorders
.05 Mercury Manometers

0 to 10 psi

0 to 300 psi

0.0029 psi

0.039 psi

.06 Other Liquid Manometers
.07 Digital Manometers
.08 Pressure Control Devices


Electrical Calibration Services

Our laboratory can calibrate a huge range of Digital Multimeter, Clamp Meter, Voltmeter, Ammeter  (independent of manufacturer).

We calibrate the following:

  • Multimeters
  • Clamp Meters
  • Volt Meters
  • Ohmmeters
  • Megohmmeters
  • Wrist Strap Testers
  • Current Meters
  • Tachometers
  • HiPots
  • Power Supplies
  • Decade Resistors
  • Power Supplies

Scope of Accreditation:

Product/Class of Test

Range to be CalibratedCalibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) expressed as an uncertainty
5.35 Electrical Indicating and Recording Instruments
.01 D.C. voltmeters

±100 mV dc

±1 V dc

±10 V dc

±100 V dc

±1000 V dc

6.3 x 10-4 mV dc

5.8 x 10-4 V dc

5.8 x 10-4 V dc

6.3 x 10-4 V dc

2.1 x 10-3 V dc

.02 A.C. voltmeters

10 mV ac, 40 Hz-1 kHz

100 mV ac, 40 Hz-1 kHz

10 V ac, 40 Hz-1 kHz

100 V ac, 40 Hz-1 kHz

1000 V ac, 40 Hz-1 kHz

5.8 x 10-4 mV ac

5.8 x 10-4 mV ac

5.8 x 10-4 V ac

5.8 x 10-4 V ac

5.8 x 10-4 V ac

.03 D.C. ammeters

±1 mA dc

±10 mA dc

±100 mA dc

±1 A dc

5.8 x 10-4 mA dc

6.5 x 10-4 mA dc

4.6 x 10-3 mA dc

5.9 x 10-4 A dc

.04 A.C. ammeters

1 mA ac, 45 Hz to 100 Hz

1 mA ac, 100 Hz to 5 kHz

100 mA ac, 45 Hz to 100 Hz

100 mA ac, 100 Hz to 5 kHz

1 A ac, 45 Hz to 100 Hz

1 A ac, 100 Hz to 5 kHz

5.8 x 10-4 mA ac

5.8 x 10-4 mA ac

5.8 x 10-4 mA ac

5.8 x 10-4 mA ac

5.8 x 10-4 A ac

5.8 x 10-4 A ac

.09 Ohmmeters

.17 Digital multimeters/ Analog multitesters

10 Ω

100 Ω

1 kΩ

10 kΩ

100 kΩ

1 MΩ

10 MΩ

6.7 x 10-4

3.5 x 10-3

6.1 x 10-3 kΩ

6.1 x 10-4 kΩ

1.9 x 10-3 kΩ

5.8 x 10-4 MΩ

1.1 x 10-3 MΩ

Dimensional Calibration Services

Our dimensional calibration service includes calibration for variety of measuring hand tools.



Our capabilities includes

  • Micrometers
  • Calipers
  • Feeler Gages
  • Height Gages
  • Indicators

Temperature Calibration Services

Our laboratory can calibrate a huge range of Thermometers, Thermocouples, RTDs, Thermistor, infrared pyrometers  enclosures using dry block, furnace or stirred bath.

We also calibrate temperature controlled enclosures

We calibrate the following:

  • Thermistors, RTDs, Bimetallic, Gas Actuated
  • Thermocouples
  • Infrared Thermometers
  • Thermohygrometers
  • Refrigerator
  • Freezers
  • Refrigerated Incubators
  • Reefer Van
  • Oven
  • Heated Incubator
  • Furnace
  • Bath/Block

Scope of Accreditation:

Product/Class of Test

Range to be Calibrated Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) expressed as an uncertainty
5.44 Temperature Measurement Equipment

.02 Base Thermocouple

.04 Metallic Resistance Thermometer

.09 Vapor Pressure Thermometers

.10 Filled Metal System

.11 Bi-metallic System

.13 Digital Temperature Indicator System

30 °C to 400 °C ± 0.19 K

.02 Base Thermocouple

.04 Metallic Resistance Thermometer

.09 Vapor Pressure Thermometers

.10 Filled Metal System

.11 Bi-metallic System

.13 Digital Temperature Indicator System

-30 °C to 30 °C

50 % Ethylene Glycol 50 % Water Bath

30 °C to 70 °C

Water Bath

70 °C to 130 °C

Water Bath

± 0.15 °C
5.45 Ancillary Temperature Measuring Instruments

.04 Indicators, recorders and controllers

.05 Temperature Transmitters (T/C and RTD)

Type K

-200 °C to 1 370 °C

Type J

-200 °C to 1 200 °C

Type T

-200 °C to 400 °C

Type R

0 °C to 1 700 °C

Type B

600 °C to 1 800 °C

PT 100 (385), 4-wire

-200 °C to 800 °C


0.38 K

0.34 K

0.34 K

0.43 K

0.43 K

0.17 K

5.47 Temperature Controlled Enclosures
.01 Ovens, Furnaces and baths 30 °C to 200 °C 0.82 °C
.02 Incubators 10 °C to 70 °C 0.82 °C
.03 Autoclaves and sterilizing ovens 30 °C to 130 °C 0.82 °C
.04 Industrial freezers -30 °C to 10 °C 0.82 °C
.06 Other Enclosures-Laboratory Freezer and Refrigerator -30 °C to 20 °C 0.82 °C
5.48 Hygrometry
.01 Calibration of humidity measuring devices

20 to 30 °C

40 to 80 %rh

± 0.65 °C

± 2.2 %rh

.02 Measurement of relative humidity
.04 Testing of environmental/humidity chambers

20 to 30 °C

40 to 80 %rh

± 0.65 °C

± 2.2 %rh

Balance Calibration Services

We provide calibration service to ensures the accuracy of weighing instrument based EURAMET cg-18, UKAS Lab14, USP Chapter 41 or customers requirement.

Our capabilities includes

  • Laboratory Balances
  • Industrial Balances
  • Industrial weighing appliance

Scope of Accreditation:

Product/Class of Test Range to be Calibrated Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) expressed as an uncertainty
5.11 Weighing Devices
.01 Precision Laboratory Balances

Up to 200 g

Up to 10 000 g

0.0012 g

0.029 g

.02 Industrial Balances Up to 200 kg 0.013 kg
.03 Industrial Weighing Balances

Laboratory Equipment Calibration Services

We calibrate a wide range of  laboratory equipment.

Our capabilities includes

  • Refractometers
  • Viscometers
  • pH Meter
  • Resistivity Meters
  • Conductivity Meter
  • Centrifuges
  • Fume Hood
  • Dissolution Tester
  • Spectrophotometers

Scope of Accreditation:

Product/Class of Test

Range to be CalibratedCalibration and Measurement Capability (CMC) expressed as an uncertainty
5.35 Electrical Indicating and Recording instruments
.18 pH meters

0 to 14 pH


0.0006 pH